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Tui by David Trubridge


Tūī are the real characters of Aotearoa’s
native bush. They hurtle through the bush
with drumming wing-beats, miraculously
avoiding branches whilst maintaining their
cool charm. Their song is like no other: a
series of clicks, gurgles and resonant, bell-like
notes...some off our hearing scale! They have
two dangling white wattles on their throats and
around their shoulders is a necklace of interwoven
rings which is the inspiration of our Tūī light. Half
rings of bamboo are woven into a basket form that
would sit perfectly over a dining table, kitchen counter
or equally hanging in a stairwell or entrance void.


Tui by David Trubridge


Material: Bamboo plywood
Colours: to order
Dimensions: D 50cm; 68cm; 95cm.
Height: H cord 150 cm(adjustable), H max - according to your order
Bulbs: E27, Max 60 Watts.


For more actual photos of the light, please, contact us.

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