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Ebb Family by David Trubridge


The original design for the Ebb family came
from the sketches of light-play on water ripples
that David observed on his travels. Ebb is all about
a directional arc that arrays around four different
design forms. Ebb lights were first launched as fully
assembled lamps made from plastic and wood
components. In 2015 they were first re-designed as
kitset which reduced the effects of shipping. In 2020
they were launched again and now the Ebb family of
Swell, Bounce, Roll and Drop are made from ultra thin
(0.7mm) Finnish birch plywood. They emit a glowing
lantern effect which also highlights the grain of the ply.
A much more sustainable feature pendant light!


Ebb Family by David Trubridge


Material: Bamboo plywood
Colours: to order
Dimensions: D 45cm; 58cm; 61cm; 75cm.
Height: H cord 150 cm(adjustable), H max - according to your order
Bulbs: E27, Max 60 Watts.


For more actual photos of the light, please, contact us.

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