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Flos Kelvin Edge Base

250 USD

Adjustable table lamp providing direct light. Aluminium painted or chromed body, with die cast head, joints and forks, and extruded arms.  Diffuser in photoengraved polycarbonate and aluminate on the perimeter. Edge Lighting technology light source. Optical switch sensor placed on the head that provide 3-step dimming function and color temperature adjustment at 2700K or 3200K. Power cord length 150 cm. Plug-in power supply with interchangeable plugs.



Flos Kelvin Edge Base

Material: polycarbonate and aluminium

Standart Dimensions:

Length: 47cm
Height: 41cm
Weight: 3,9kg

Power: 7W

We can also make custom sizes.

You can choose any size and color individually for your interior.

For actual price please contact us.
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